Leaf is a free mobile application that provides swift access to the reports of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE). The application allows you to quickly search IOE evaluations and, thanks to the custom filters, you will be able to find exactly the report you need in a matter of taps. In addition, the application allows you to save evaluations for online and offline view by adding them to your Favorites section, making sure that you are not constrained by Internet connection.
Take Leaf with you to search, browse and view IOE’s evaluations, all on your device, with you wherever you go.
Leaf allows you to search through IOE evaluations quickly and accurately, thanks to filters and word searches directly inside the reports.
Leaf provides you with the possibility to save evaluations on your device by adding them to your Favorites folder, as well as to cache your searches, making sure that you always have the report with you wherever you are.
Learn from IOE’s evaluations towards the increase of the impact of IFAD’s operations for sustainable and inclusive rural transformation.
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Searching through evaluations has never been so easy. Find evaluations by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD in a matter of a few taps thanks to Leaf. The custom filters allow you to find specific words within our evaluations. You are also able to save evaluations and searches directly on your phone, making sure that you always have the evaluation you need even when you have no Internet connection.